About Me

I’m Alex, a PhD student in the Statistical Science department at Duke University, supervised by David Dunson and Amy Herring. Previously, I obtained my undergraduate and master’s degrees from McGill University.

I work on statistical methods for complex data with a strong mathematical foundation. Recently, I have focused on decision theory, Bayesian nonparametrics, and categorical data analysis.

Outside of statistics, I like running, the NYT crossword, playing guitar, and watching the Premier League.

Recent News

10/31/2024: Bayesian Clustering via Fusing of Localized Densities has been accepted to the Journal of the American Statistical Association: Theory and Methods.

10/07/2024: A new version of Product Centered Dirichlet Processes for Bayesian Multiview Clustering is available on ArXiv. The updated code is on Github.

07/26/2024: We’ve just made an R package that implements FOLD available on Github: foldcluster. See this link for installation instructions.

05/06/2024: I’ve posted a new paper on arXiv about an application of clustering to medicine: Dombowsky et al. (2024+). Bayesian Learning of Clinically Meaningful Sepsis Phenotypes in Northern Tanzania. Code to implement the simulation study can be found here.

01/15/2024: I recieved the SBSS Student Paper Award for “Product Centered Dirichlet Processes for Dependent Clustering” for JSM 2024 in Portland, OR. Looking forward to the conference.

12/12/2023: I’ve posted a new paper on arXiv about dependent clustering: Dombowsky and Dunson (2023+). Product Centered Dirichlet Processes for Dependent Clustering. Code is on my GitHub page.

11/17/2023: I recieved an award for best long talk at BAYSM 2023 for my talk “Bayesian Clustering via Fusing of Localized Densities”.

09/25/2023: I will be speaking as part of an invited session called “Recent Advances in Bayesian Clustering for Complex Data” at the ISBA 2024 world meeting in Venice, Italy.